If you wish to hire our bar or equipment and do not intend to resell the drinks you will not need to obtain a licence for the sale of alcohol. However if you wish your guests to make any form of payment for the drinks, the premises in which you locate the bar must be licenced under the Licencing Act 2003.
Venues fall into two categories with regard to licensing.
Licensed Premises
If the venue has a full licence covering alcohol and entertainment you must obtain permission from the Designated Premises Supervisor for us to operate a bar under this licence. You must also confirm the hours you require, are within the times permitted under the licence. A copy of the licence should be displayed at the venue.
Typically, venues such as pubs and bars, hotels, restaurants, night clubs and specialist wedding venues will hold the appropriate license. But, it always important to check before you book a venue.

Unlicensed Premises
499 Guests or Less
If the venue is not a licenced premises and the event is for 499 people or less, a Temporary Event Notice will need to be completed and submitted to the local authority and Police. Taste of Somerset can organise and pay the fee for this as part of our package or we can assist you to submit an application yourself.
Unlicensed Premises
More Than 500 Guests
If the event is for more than 499 guests a Major Event Notice must be obtained. We can work with you and your other suppliers to provide the necessary information for the local authority’s licencing department and the Police. Full risk assessments can also be provided if required.
If you are not sure whether your venue is licensed or not and wish to book our services, we will be happy to deal with this for you and confirm what licensing arrangements are in place. However, we need a minimum of 21 days notice after confirmation of all details to ensure that this process can be completed in time for your event..